Friendship: A boy and his dog

Friendship: A boy and his dog

Friendship: A boy and his dog was created to capture the bond between pet and owner. As people, we see our animals as one part of our world, but to them, we are their whole world. This portfolio’s mission was to document a slice of Sully’s life. He does not enjoy anything more than waiting for his best friend Hayden to come home and throw the ball for him.

Sully takes any opportunity he has to spend time with his boy. Hayden makes time in his busy schedule every single day to make sure he spends quality time with Sully. They do not play ball every day, but it is clearly Sully’s favorite thing to do with Hayden. He goes bonkers when he sees Hayden pick up his chuck-it stick. He spins in circles all the way to the door. Hayden scolds him and makes him sit down before he can go outside. Then, the real fun begins.